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Project Groups

16 Dec 2024 2:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

2025 will see the re-organisation of specialty Project Groups. Members will recall the existence of some of these project Groups already. The Technical Standards Project Group has been established for three years. The Safety and Sustainability Project Group will be split apart in acknowledgement that there is significant workload for both of these topics. We have created an additional Education and training Project Group.

You can see the individual charters of the Project Groups in the Members Portal.

If you are currently a member of Technical Standards Project Group, we will ask if you want to maintain your membership. If you are member of the Safety & Sustainability Project Group, you will be asked which of the new Project Group you want to be a member of (you can maintain membership of both). We will be seeking new members of the Training & Education Project Group.

If you want to join any of the Project Groups, send an email to Michael with the name of the Project Group in the Subject and 100 words claim to why you want to be on the Project Group and what benefits, interest or skills you will bring to the Project Group.

Each Project Group will be sponsored by a Director of the ADA and administration and support will be provided by us. The Project Group are advisory bodies and can make recommendations to the Board of the ADA.

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Australian Distillers Association

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