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20 Oct 2022 10:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Along with the WADG, we have written to the WA government seeking funding for a project similar to the SA Industry Blueprint. The TWSA is in a similar position. We will do a similar project in the other states.

Thank you to Manildra for sponsoring Adam PINKARD to attend their annual meeting and speak about safety. Those lucky enough to hear his talk on safety at the conference will appreciate the impact. If you missed it, go to the safety and sustainability page to watch the video.


The working party for the Victorian Distillery door program has yet to receive Government sign off. However, we anticipate it to be approved soon. I have attached an update for the streams and the terms of reference for the group.

In summary,

  • Each distillery with a distillery door will receive $70K in funding for distillery door improvements
  • Each distillery without a distillery door will receive $20K in funding for safety or sustainability works
  • Benchmarking report of the size, scope and Scale of the Victorian industry
  • Establishment of an Industry owned RTO to offer Cert III in distilling and Certificate IV in distilling, as well as free micro-credentials such as WHS, RSA, social media, etc
  • Development of a safety program
  • Development of an export portal for Victorian producers
  • Employment of a Project manager to promote the objectives of the distillery door program and safety program.

After 12 months, the RTO will be available to all distillers, Australia wide. A rebate for each course will be paid to the Australian Distillers to enable ongoing funding and development.


QLD tafe have agreed to establish a Certificate III and Cert IV in distilling to be offered to QLD distillers.

Watch this space for more information.


Update on the SA Container Deposit Scheme.
In September 2021, a discussion paper was released for public consultation on reviewing South Australia’s container deposit scheme: Improving South Australia’s Recycling Makes Cents.

In response to the discussion paper, the EPA received 250 submissions from the public, Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) stakeholders, environment and community groups, industry and government and a summary of these responses is now available here.

Overall, consultation feedback showed support for modernising CDS operations. This includes new technologies, improved community accessibility and service experience and to introduce a more streamlined and effective CDS governance arrangement with a preference for a centralised scheme coordinator model and an improved fee structure.

The State Government will continue to work directly with key stakeholders to develop draft legislative changes to improve the container deposit scheme for beverage producers, recyclers and the community. The EPA will be consulting on the draft legislation when it is prepared.

The SA State Government proposes the alignment of container scope across all states and territories, establishing a single national approval portal and maintaining deposit amount (and reviewing if it should be increased) and notes it is continuing to be being progressed nationally.

We will be writing to oppose the CDS to full bottled spirits because of the cost impact to small producers and there being little evidence that full spirit bottles are a significant feature of litter in Australia.


Australian Distillers and Archie Rose hosted a unique event last month, a special behind the scenes tour of Archie Rose's new establishment at Banksmeadow. Thanks to Will and Dave for hosting us and sharing their story.

NSW Container Deposit Scheme.
This week, the NSW Government, through the EPA and Minister James Griffin (Environment) announced proposed changes to the NSW Container Deposit Scheme, Return and Earn.The NSW Government is proposing to include all beverage containers (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) between 150ml and 3L, except for plain milk and registered health tonics as part of the scheme.

We will be writing to oppose the changes to full bottled spirits because of the cost impact to small producers and there being little evidence that full spirit bottles are a significant feature of litter in Australia.

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Australian Distillers Association

Suite 1601, 447 Kent Street, 
Sydney, NSW, 2000

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