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Become a Member of the fastest growing Australian manufacturing industry.

By joining the Australian Distillers Association, you are part of one of the fastest growing and most diverse industries in Australia. You share in the passion, commitment and ethical standards required to unleash the potential of you and your business.

Message from the Chief Executive

Congratulations on becoming part of the fastest growing industry in Australia!

It is now time to take the next step by joining the peak industry body to become an active and responsible member of your community. You will benefit from networking and industry support.

One of the most valuable resources in the online Member Portal is the Beca SafetyToolkit and SafetyAction checklist, which is a step-by-step guide to help you operate safely and understand your obligations to your staff and customers. These two tools alone are worth thousands of

dollars and will help keep you safe.

There are many more great benefits and resources that you will have access to as a member of the Australian Distillers Association.

Paul McLeay, Chief Executive

How can I benefit from being a member?

6 Reasons to be a Member

      1. Become part of a larger voice - We Lobby Governments at the Federal and State level to influence government policy in support of a safe and vibrant spirits sector, which protects your interests and creates opportunities for economic growth for your business and the industry.
      2. Professional development - Attend at special member rates (and make significant savings) the only Annual Conference for Australian Distillers, where you get insights to the industry, professional development and network with other Craft distillers from across Australia to grow and develop your business. Furthermore, member's can obtain special rates at our new Distillery Safety courses and all other Australian Distillers events.
      3. Gain a competitive edge - Access your members only portal that includes a knowledge base of important safety and other information to help you gain a competitive advantage and save you thousands of dollars.
      4. Be part of a growing community and become an industry leader - we nurture the union of Australian distillers by promoting industry activities which further strengthen the distillers community. An association offers valuable industry networking. It’s important to have contacts in your field and a network of leaders in businesses that are similar to yours. With the insider benefits gained in your trade association, you are set to become an industry leader yourself, thereby growing your reputation and your business.
      5. Training and Education - We create opportunities to share information, as well as bring you the latest news and education through industry forums and workshops, which enables you to stay well informed and make up to date & correct key strategic decisions for your business. Member's receive significant savings on ticket prices.
      6. Give Your Reputation a Lift Through Industry Association - Reputation is everything in the business world. You want to be known as a company that’s committed to quality, growth and innovation. And joining an industry association is a great way to build that kind of reputation within your industry. When you become a member of an industry association, it sends a message. It says that you take your business seriously enough to invest your time, energy and resources outside of office hours into learning everything you can to build the most successful business possible—and that message can seriously resonate with your colleagues, your team, your prospects and your customers.

As a corporate member, you are able to access the Safety Toolkit, Member database, HR Advisor ServicesSupplier directory and much more.


Members are also encouraged to join and participate in the Australian Distillers Facebook Page

Membership is a corporate/company membership and as such you can add your team to your membership, so they are able to access the benefits of membership.

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Australian Distillers Association

Suite 1601, 447 Kent Street, 
Sydney, NSW, 2000

ABN 77 622 845 275

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